Brent Forester, M.D., MSc

Dr. Brent Forester is the Chief of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, the Director of the Geriatric Psychiatry Research Program at McLean Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Forester is also medical director for behavioral health in the Center for Population Health at Partners HealthCare. In this role he is overseeing the development and implementation of mental health treatment within primary care practices across a large, complex health care system.


Dr. Forester graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, completed a medical internship at Massachusetts General Hospital and a general psychiatry residency at McLean Hospital where he served as Chief resident. Dr. Forester has treated older adults with late life mood disorders and neurocognitive impairment beginning with his fellowship at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Dr. Forester was a Member of the Board of Directors of the Alzheimer’s Association for MA and NH from 2009-2015 and Chair of their Medical and Scientific Committee. Brent served as a Member of the Board of Directors for the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) from 2011-2017 and completed a two-year term in 2017 as Secretary/Treasurer for the AAGP. Dr. Forester is also a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.


Dr. Forester’s research has focused on biomarkers of symptoms and treatment response in geriatric depression and bipolar disorder. He is also studying novel treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease and the behavioral complications of dementia. Dr. Forester is co-editor of a book published in January 2017 entitled, “Bipolar Disorder in Older Age Patients.” He is also an author on numerous articles and book chapters on topics including Geriatric Bipolar Disorder, brain biomarkers in late life depression and bipolar disorder and the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.