14:31:50 From Jeremy- Tech Support to Everyone: During today's meeting if you need closed captions please click here to follow along: https://us.ai-live.com/CaptionViewer/Join/thirdparty?sessionId=USECCN1108A 14:36:27 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: We hope you can join us for Part Two taking place tomorrow, Friday, August 12th from 3-4pm ET. Please use this link to register - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo Thank you! 14:46:03 From Nanette Larson to Everyone: Could you please share the meaning of "EDIA"? I know Eric already said it, but I think part of being inclusive and accessible is limiting the use of "insider acronyms." 14:46:59 From Eric Tadehara to Everyone: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessiblity 14:53:48 From David Miller to Everyone: It was a joint statement with the National Council of Mental Health Wellbeing 14:54:15 From Diana Cockrell to Everyone: https://nasmhpd.org/sites/default/files/Joint_Statement_from_NASMHPD_and_the_National_Council_for_Behavioral_Health.pdf 14:54:34 From David Miller to Everyone: And the statement is linked on the second to last slide that everyone will receive, too. 14:55:25 From Nili Ezekiel to Everyone: Love that Louise - People need to feel welcome! 14:59:35 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: We hope you can join us for Part Two taking place tomorrow, Friday, August 12th from 3-4pm ET. Please use this link to register - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo Thank you! 15:00:24 From Albertstein Johnson-Pickett to Everyone: I agree. 15:01:16 From Brenda Moes to Everyone: Are you able to share the presentation slides? Thanks 15:01:56 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: The recording links and slides will be shared with everyone who registered within a few days. 15:02:10 From Brenda Moes to Everyone: Great....thank you Kelle! 15:02:18 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: You're welcome!! 15:08:19 From Deborah Stake to Everyone: Can you provide a link for information on TRANSFORM? I live and work in King County (WA state) and have never heard of it. 15:08:20 From Nanette Larson to Everyone: The "E" in DEI is "equity." It seems that EDIA "adds" accessibility, although when you read the literature on equity, accessibility is required in order to accomplish equity. 15:08:46 From Diana Jones to Everyone: How do we address the inequity of healthcare employees treatment regarding past trauma and their responses to trauma triggers while caring for patients/clients. I'm not speaking abuse or neglect. I am mainly referencing inappropriate responses taken as their inability to provide services to our clients/patients. 15:11:01 From Diana Cockrell to Everyone: @Deborah - Dr. Fong Lau Johnson is the developer and her email is fongj8@uw.edu They don't have a site up yet to my knowledge. :) 15:13:28 From Diana Cockrell to Everyone: @Diana - I am hopeful you can attend our conversation tomorrow - you bring up a tremendous point in the support of our workforce to have space to recognize and heal/ release impacts of the work on them. 15:13:37 From Deborah Stake to Everyone: Louise, you speak total truth!!! This is the reason why things don't move forward because hiring focuses on keeping the status quo and things "comfortable." 15:13:42 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: We hope you can join us for Part Two taking place tomorrow, Friday, August 12th from 3-4pm ET. Please use this link to register - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo Thank you! 15:17:38 From Kelly Staples to Everyone: Our state human resources program wouldn't allow us to require someone to have lived experience - went to the AG's office and we're still fighting it. When I was hired- for the Office of Consumer Affairs, 15 years ago, it was a clear requirement, while that "office" no longer exists . . we have positions that require that experience . . .so while our office administers contracts to agencies through out the state and we require them to employ people with "lived experience" and to advertise as such, our own HR department wouldn't allow us to put it in our job description. 15:20:07 From Diana Cockrell to Everyone: @Kelly great example of areas needing growth and amendment to create truly inclusive tables for policy and system design and development 15:20:18 From Nanette Larson to Everyone: @Kelly S. - I can share with you how we resolved this in Illinois, if you want to connect with me directly. Nanette.Larson@illinois.gov 15:20:42 From Deborah Stake to Everyone: Also not hiring people to "check a box", but hiring people who are aware and know how to move action forward (anti-racist, truly committed to DEIA) 15:24:11 From Nanette Larson to Everyone: @Eric - Thank you for that "apologetically" re: the use of jargon. That made me smile and feel more confident that we're in this together! :) 15:24:59 From Diana Jones to Everyone: Can you list the link for tomorrow by itself? My mouse will not let me only copy the link. It copies a different document altogether. Please send just the link. Thanks. 15:25:25 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo 15:25:28 From Sanyu Tushabe to Everyone: Yep!! Data collection on non traditional service platforms or avenues is important 15:26:50 From Kelly Staples to Everyone: Thank you Nanette - I will! 15:27:54 From Diana Cockrell to Everyone: Brilliantly put Louise!! yes!! 15:33:42 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: We hope you can join us for Part Two taking place tomorrow, Friday, August 12th from 3-4pm ET. Please use this link to register - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo Thank you! 15:34:13 From Felechia Bayless-Mickles to Everyone: That is soo true Diana, this is very important 15:35:55 From Nikki Tennis to Everyone: TTI = Transformation Transfer Initiative https://www.nasmhpd.org/transformation-transfer-initiative- 15:36:44 From David Miller to Everyone: And please reach out to NASMHPD with additional examples. Our contact information is on the last slide! 15:38:22 From Jeremy- Tech Support to Everyone: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LKQQX33 15:38:54 From Kelle Masten to Everyone: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOuorzgjGt31QV8CmKryG2iaRiLxWcIo