TA Coalition Webinar: The Pivotal Role of Medicaid in Enhancing State Services for Individuals w Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities & Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders

The actual title is: The Pivotal Role of Medicaid in Enhancing State Services for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders: Advancing Collaborations between Medicaid, Mental Health, and Developmental Disability State Authorities

 Public systems are challenged by obstacles when providing for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders. Among this very diverse group, many encounter restricted access to essential supports.  In addition, their behavioral difficulties and distress are often misunderstood and sometimes ignored. Since our public and private systems and categorical funding are not routinely structured to address their needs, these individuals are at high risk of expensive and preventable out-of-home placements in foster care, juvenile detention, psychiatric institutions and developmental disabilities centers, as well as homelessness or incarceration as adults. Individuals with developmental disabilities experience serious trauma at rates far higher than their peers, including bullying, teasing, and physical, emotional and sexual abuse, that often do not receive needed attention. As a group, they may suffer from significant medical problems as well.

Medicaid is by far the largest payer for this group due to the nature of supports and services needed – not only the health benefits but also the long term supports and service line items such as waivers and other home and community based services. Several states are re-tooling their approaches on how to use Medicaid to not only better serve this neglected population, but also increase their efficiency and accountability with value-based purchasing and inclusive managed care approaches.  In addition, through innovative collaborations with Mental Health and Developmental Disability Authorities, these state Medicaid Authorities are:


    • Becoming better aware of these challenges to be a driver of supporting people with IDD and co-occurring disorders to live healthy and productive lives where their dollars are the major payer,

    • Learning the roles of individuals, families and qualified providers can play in driving policy development to enhance successful outcomes for this expensive population, and

    • Coordinating with managed care companies to be prepared to provide services and supports to individuals with IDD and co-occurring behavioral health disorders.

This webinar will showcase North Carolina’s efforts in developing ways to support broad inter-agency collaboration on behalf of this population, providing for discussion lessons learned and best practices other states can benefit from.



 Robert Fletcher, DSW, CEO, NADD



 Dave Richard, Deputy Secretary for the North Carolina’s Division of Medical Assistance (DMA)

 Tara Larson, Senior Healthcare Policy Director, Cansler Collaborative Resources, Inc. 



