Robert (Rob) Walker

Rob Walker works for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Office of Recovery and Empowerment, responsible for providing a bridge from the Department to provider agencies, persons receiving services, family members and the community at large.  Rob is a person with lived experience of a mental health diagnosis, which informs all areas of his work.  Areas of involvement include; Transitional Age Youth, Older Adults, the Deaf community, supporting and expanding the statewide peer workforce, and DMH efforts around Race, Equity, and Inclusion.  Rob has worked on developing peer enhanced peer-led emergency services, peer bridging from DMH Inpatient facilities, Elder Peer Bridgers, Certified Older Adult Peer Specialists, Parent Peer Specialists, Buried in Treasures peer-facilitated Hoarding support, Forensic Peer Specialists, developing the Certified Older Adult Peer Specialist program in MA, and on integrating peers in the inpatient acute care psychiatric system.  Rob is the co-Chairperson of the statewide Elder Mental Health Collaborative.