Addressing Trauma and PTSD in First Episode Psychosis Programs

A significant percentage of clients with first episode psychosis (FEP) have experienced one or more traumatic events. Determining if and how those traumatic experiences are related to the client’s first episode of psychosis is a critical part of the clinical formulation, and without effective trauma treatment, clients whose mental health has been affected by trauma may be hampered in their recovery. Addressing PTSD and other consequences of trauma in a FEP program require both a trauma-informed organizational culture and effective trauma-specific treatment. This webinar will support FEP providers and program leadership in thinking about how to introduce trauma-informed approaches and effective trauma-specific interventions in their programs.


  • Andrea Blanch, Ph.D., Senior Consultant, SAMHSA National Center on Trauma-Informed Care
  • Kate Hardy, Clin. Psych.D., Assistant Professor and Director of Inspire Clinic, Stanford University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
  • Rachel Loewy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UC-San Francisco Department of Psychiatry
  • Tara Niendam, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UC-Davis and Executive Director, UC-Davis Early Psychosis Programs